This was a referral from an Accountant who’d been contacted by a client as their Admin lady was on unexpected long term sick.
I went along to see them, they were in a bit of a pickle. The lady had a system in place but it was in her head and Admin was not the Directors thing – I started there & then.
You couldn’t see the desk so I set too going through the paperwork and seeing to their immediate needs. I then returned weekly, initially I was reacting to what needed to be done – VAT, PAYE, Bank reconciliation, CIS returns. As time went on I was able to become more pro-active.
I was very aware I was covering for someone so where possible I carried on with how things had been done previously. However I put the systems on paper as a handover document when she returned to work. This enabled her to see what I had done, how I had done it & where I had filed it, in case this was not how she would have done.
Bank reconciliation
CIS returns